RAWR Write-a-Thon, Final Tally
Hello everyone.
Well, it’s been a ride. Good warmup for the coming NaNoWriMo (which I’ll be participating in).
Here’s where we stand. I cleared my word goal of 35,000 words by just 121, in a last minute burst of writing.
My personal goal of raising $250 for the workshop was met with a grand total, after fees, of $282.56, or 113% of the target goal.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for giving so generously, and thanks to everyone who donated their time and energy as well!
Overall, the Write-a-Thon raised $569.84 this time. That’s fantastic! I am a little sad that we didn’t reach Kyell’s story goals, but the fact that we did so well makes me very, very happy.
Where next? Well, don’t think I’m just going to go silent again. NaNoWriMo is coming up, and I’ve got the podcast to keep going with, so you have definitely not heard the last of me. for now, onward!